The EEO-1 Report is an annual compliance report that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission requires and which must be filed by September 30th every year. As we all know, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is responsible of guaranteeing that all laws against employment discrimination are being obeyed.

This survey collects company and employment information categorized by ethnicity, gender and job category. With the information collected in this report, the government can catch a glimpse of whether companies are being compliant or they need to be investigated in more depth to make sure that they are in compliance with all employment laws.

Filing this report is also important for companies, because it could be helpful for the company in the case of an employment discrimination claim. If a company is sued by an employee or a candidate for employment discrimination, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission could review the EEO-1 Report to check the legitimacy of the claim. If the company turns out to employ a lawful and reasonable percentage of individuals of that race/gender, the claim could be rejected.

Not all companies are required to file the EEO-1 report. There are 3 scenarios in which companies must file the report:

1. If the company has 100 employees or more

2. If the company has less than 100 employees but the company is owned by another company or is corporately affiliated with another company, and the whole joint venture has 100 employees o more

3. If the company has 50 employees or more and federal government contracts with a value of $50,000 or more.

Also, if your company is planning to bid for a federal government contract, it could be interesting to plan ahead, since this report is often required to those companies applying for a federal government contract.

If your company does not employ 100 individuals but is planning to do so, make sure to be ready to file the EEO-1 Report before reaching this number of employees.

All information shared in this blog is for informational purposes only. This information doesn’t have any purpose of legal or any other type of advice.