Resume errors can frequently be the reason why candidates that fulfill all requirements of a job posting don’t get the job, and what is worse, don’t even have the chance to be interviewed.

We must bear in mind that recruiters might receive thousands of applications for one job offer, so the amount of time they dedicate to each of one is, at first, extremely short. They almost make a first selection at a first glimpse.

So, how can we be one of those who lead this first selection, so the recruiter takes longer time to go through our resume, and even call us for an interview? Well, there is no magic formula to make recruiters fall in love with you, as there are many factors involved, but there are many common resume errors you should definitely avoid if you want to have at least the chance to be taken into account. Let’s go through them a little more in depth.

First of all, make sure there are no grammatical mistakes and typing mistakes in your resume. This is something so obvious, but yet so important!! Sometimes auto-corrects may not be our best friends and can turn a misspelling into a different word to the one that we wanted to write. Revise your resume thoroughly and make sure there are no mistakes. Also, be creative and do not repeat always the same words. If necessary, use the dictionary and look for different synonym options.
Another very obvious common mistake is to forget including your contact information. Make sure that, if the company wants to contact you, they will find different ways to do so. Always include your phone number (way better if it is your cell phone number) and your email. It is also useful to include your LinkedIn URL, as lots of companies use this social media to search for candidates.
Never list your duties in a previous job position as a recruiter would do for a job posting. Don’t list your tasks as: visited clients, managed claims, organized product presentations… This doesn’t provide any information about your performance. Make sure that you explain what differentiated you from others, that you include your personal touch: visited clients weekly to ensure their satisfaction and to give them the personalized customer care they deserve, managed client claims and tracked them personally until they were fully solved as well as suggesting any solution I could consider, organized original and creative product presentations for our clients that they would remember in the future…
As we said before, explain your previous experience in detail but don’t be too extended, go to the point. A two pages resume is an appropriate length. Make sure that what your resume highlights about your previous experience is what the recruiting company is looking for.
Make sure you are not being too self-centered in your resume, especially in your introduction. The company is always looking for candidates that can contribute the company somehow, and if you are only explaining things about yourself, and not about your contributions to your previous jobs or companies or how could you contribute to that certain position you are applying for.
And in line with what we were saying in the previous point, yes, you should definitely customize your resume for each of the jobs you may be applying for. It is important that you adapt your resume to the language the company that is searching for candidates uses. Make sure you are in the same line as they are, this will make your resume way more attractive. You have to analyze the kind of language the company uses so you can adapt it accurately and make sure you explain those points of your previous experiences that match the requirements of the job description.
Include only the personal information that is relevant for the job position. This is, that personal information that explains something about your professional performance, education, professional values… Anything that is actually relevant for a hiring process. Leave outside of your resume any unnecessary personal information.
Your resume and traditional job applications are not the only way to look for professional development. Network is the best tool to meet people and, through them, new possible opportunities. Social media like LinkedIn or Twitter are also an awesome way to build an interesting professional network.