When analyzing a resume, companies are looking for certain educational requirements, but this is not the only thing they are looking for. Soft skills, this is, personal skills that make those who have them capable of dealing with other people more efficiently, are something that companies and recruiters seek in candidates. Those candidates who do have these soft skills, as well as an appropriate education for the position, have the whole package. These soft skills make them be great employees with a great potential to become great leaders.

But it is not easy to find candidates that have this perfect combination of both educational and personal skills. In fact, according to a recent study from DeVry University, company leaders declare that soft skills are the skills that recently graduated employees lack the most to become those great employees they are looking for.

In order to evaluate whether we have or not those soft skills, and so we can improve them, let’s go through the most important soft skills the perfect candidate should have, and what companies are looking for:

Communication skills. It is not only about speaking a language. It is having efficient communication skills: being able to say things concisely and clearly, being convincing with your speech, being capable of listening in order to give the most accurate answer, making a good use of body language. Take advantage from being around great leaders in your job and learn from them. You can also watch TED Talks videos to see how those amazing speakers use their communication skills.
Teamwork. It is really important to know how to perform inside a team and how to collaborate with other coworkers. Teamwork is essential nowadays and it is fundamental that employees know how to perform inside a team, where every team member contribute with their own professional skills, in order to make the team efficient and highly productive.
Decisiveness. Nowadays managers really appreciate and seek for employees who can solve difficult situations. It is important to have the capability to analyze the problem and find a solution effectively and timely. Being decisive and having initiative are key elements that recruiters and employers seek for in candidates.
Technology. In today’s world, technology skills are absolutely essential in almost any position. And it is important, taking into account the pace at which technology evolves nowadays, that employees are capable to learn and adapt to new technologies. Never forget to mention your technical skills on your resume, even if you consider them something basic.
Self-sufficiency. Managers need employees who are capable of doing their jobs properly and on time, without having themselves supervising their employees’ job constantly. They need self-sufficient subordinates to whom they can delegate and who don’t give them more additional work. Managers don’t want to babysit their employees, so show them you are a grown-up professional.
Accept your mistakes. We all make mistakes. It is something that can happen, whenever you try. But it is really important to assume your mistakes and to be able to tackle the consequences. It is important to keep calm, analyze the mistake and learn how to fix it, because we definitely learn more from mistakes than from success. Blaming others for your mistakes (or the team’s mistakes) is always the worst idea. Be humble and assume your responsibilities. Again, we all make mistakes, there’s nothing wrong with that if you know how to face it.